The journey starts in the year 1978 as C.P.Chemical Corporation leading in trading of Reactive dyes and Ramazol Dyes. Mr. Chhatrasinh Raoul laid the foundation stone of company, he started trading of Reactive Dyes and Ramazol Dyes . Today he has a vast technical experience of over 43 years in the dye industry and entire production unit in R.D.M operates under his supervision.
Besides that he actively participates in new research and development of products. His prime concern is to maintain the product quality irrespective of the external parameters or conditions are.
Mr. Mahendra Sinh Raoul, elder son of Mr.Chhatrasinh joined his father’s business
in the year 1992 after completing his B.Sc. in Chemistry. His motive is to develop the business in international market, and to achieve it he creates high tech Q.C. and R&D labs to maintain a top international quality. Also
founder of RDM Industries, a sister concern of “C.P. Chemical Corporation” in the year 1994 for full exports.
Under his father’s leadership and as per his foresight spotting bottlenecks to tackle and opportunities to encase has become very easy for the company.
determination, dedication and devotion toward the company, he not only leads the success path but as a responsible Indian citizen actually.
Mr Randip Sinh Raoal, younger son of Chhatrasinh also join his father business after completing his education in Law
in the year 1994. He is handing all legal activities toward the company and also has a greater contribution in developing the company in fields of environmental protection and economic development.
Pillars of our establishment